
Teréz Vincze, PhD
Assistant Professor

I graduated from the Faculty of Humanities at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) with a degree in Hungarian Language and Literature in 2000 and in Art Theory in 2001. Additionally, I completed programs in Film Studies and Literary Theory at the same university.
I received my PhD degree from the Doctoral Programme of Aesthetics at ELTE University in 2009. The title of my thesis was "Auteur in the Mirror: (Re)interpretation of the author's concept in contemporary self-reflexive films".
Before joining the Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies at ELTE as a graduate teaching assistant in 2004, I taught film history and film criticism at the Film Studies program of the Vitéz János Catholic Teachers Training College in Esztergom from 1999 to 2002. I was also a visiting lecturer in History of Film Theory at the Department of Film Studies of ELTE from 2002 to 2004.
I have been the editor of Metropolis (Quarterly Journal on Film History and Film Theory - www.metropolis.org.hu) since 1999, and I served as the editor-in-chief from 2003 to 2009.